Kevin Swains Travel Website
Chairman Mao in the Peoples Square
My first real day in China and I head out with Mike to see whats out there. First impressions....it's far cleaner than Pakistan, quieter without the blasts from cars horns and there seems to be some kind of normaility here like the west I spose. But it really is clean and there are litter bins everywhere, more so than any other place I've seen and there's one side for recycled stuff too! Amazing ones first impressions.
Mike loves his street food and we check out a few stalls (below). The stall is cleaner than any in Pakistan and each bowl is covered in a plastic bag to avoid the need for washing up which is maybe not the enviorment friendly.
Had our chick peas and headed for the main square. I was looking forward to it as I had vauge memories of it being really old with chai shops and restaurants everywhere, a really kind of dense pedestrian area not moved on for the last 100 years.
Kashgar Street Food
Band Pounding Out the Beats on top of the Kashgar Mosque
All Day Dancing to Celebrate Eid, the end of Ramadam
Posing in the Square
Even Tweety Bird Gets In On The Act
Kashgar Youth
Old Muslim Habits Die Hard
Local Dude
Every Single Kid in Kashgar Carries a Toy gun and no trip to Kashgar is
complete without a plastic pellet in the back of ones head!